How to Get More Real Instagram Followers?

How to Get More Real Instagram Followers


Instagram is a remarkably active and rapidly growing social networking platform. The number of businesses joining and the increasing engagement of customers with the app are speeding to the point of being a reality.

However, Instagram accounts for businesses see only a 1.46 per cent increase in followers per month on average. This means that increasing your Instagram number of followers may seem like a slow, boring game. While you can purchase false followers on the market, these will not be of any use other than an instant boost to your ego.

Read on to some strategies that you can employ to increase your follower number on Instagram and increase engagement.

Optimize your bio

Under your username, your bio will be prime space for your Instagram profile. The majority of potential followers who visit your profile will check the bio’s description before they click. Therefore, you must make sure that these 150 characters count.

Here’s how you can craft an engaging bio that attracts more people to follow:

  • Create a clear description of the work you are doing
  • Utilize your voice as a brand to give your brand an individuality
  • There’s an action-oriented text like “shop now”, “read more”, or “read more.
  • A clean link

A bio on Instagram should be akin to your website homepage should immediately signal the impression that it is your company’s authentic account on which you continuously create new content. Make sure your bio is updated by using a high-resolution logo. Include a few emojis options to replace bullets if they fit your company’s style; however, be careful not to go overboard using emojis.



Find the ideal moment to share on Instagram

Take a look at that subheading over and over once more with a focus on your behalf, and you’ll see those who say that a certain time and date is best to get the most engagement and reach for their content.

In reality, however, there’s no universal solution on the issue “what’s the best time to post on Instagram?”. You’ll need to test different times for posting and measure responses to figure out the most effective timing for your audience and the niche you’re targeting.

Instagram makes this simple. Use Instagram Insights (available in the Instagram mobile application) to learn more about those you follow (age group gender, most active hours, etc.) and perform.

In your profile for your business On your business profile, click “Insights”, scroll to “Your Audience”, and then click “See All.” On the bottom, you’ll see your audience’s most active times.

Post regularly and dynamically


A recent study of 14 industries has revealed that, on average, businesses post four Instagram posts every week. The goal of reaching this amount is a good place to start. To gain more followers and more engagement, the more content you share more often, the better. If you’re able to share one blog post regularly and you’re likely to see more outcomes. This is because as more posts you share out, the more chances for your content to be seen and shared.

However, quality is always more important than quantity. Don’t make a sacrifice in quality to post something each day. It’s possible to say the key to Instagram popularity is made up of sharing stunning content that is visually appealing, so you should think about using the best photo editing software to produce beautiful images instead of posting boring boring photos.

Simply put, create an effective schedule for posting that keeps you on track to publish at least four or five days per week without sacrificing the quality. If you are gaining traction, Try to increase the frequency up to a minimum of one post per day. If you would like get followers instantly you can buy Instagram Followers aswell.


Write amazing captions

Beautiful images are sure to grab the attention of your viewers — incredible captions help keep the attention. Utilize these 2200 characters for providing more contexts to the image or video you share.

Here are some ideas for writing fantastic Instagram captions.

  • Keep important information first.
  • Add keywords to improve the chances of appearing in the results of your in-app search.
  • Make use of emojis and lighthearted humour to highlight your brand’s persona.
  • Invite people to share their ideas.
  • Create longer captions using bullets or emojis for better accessibility
  • Use other accounts (whenever is) to improve the reach.
  • Finish with a clear call-to-action (see Airbnb’s sample below). For example, “Check out the bio link to browse the summer catalogue.”

Be sure to change your captions so that they don’t seem robotic or automated.

Use smart hashtags

Hashtags are like keywords in they assist users in finding information on a specific area. They are usually utilized in captions or the comments on an article. If they are used with care, they can assist in helping get your message to a greater public, thereby increasing the visibility of your brand and increasing the chances of getting new customers.

Your content will be more easily found by searching or filtering it by tapping on the hashtag in another post with the appropriate hashtags. Users are also able to follow hashtags for their preferred topics. In turn, the top posts with that hashtag will appear on the feed of their Instagram feed.

For example, if you would like your blog to be seen by those who love running and moms, you could use this hashtag: #runningmom. Also, as we’ve mentioned before, using and promoting a hashtag branded in your bio and on your blog posts is a good approach to get your followers to create free, user-generated content.

Promote your Instagram everywhere

Don’t be limited to promoting your company by posting your company’s information on Instagram solely. You should try to direct those interested in your Instagram profile when you have a decent following on other social networks, a substantial mailing list or steady website traffic.

Make it easier for users to locate your Instagram by linking your account’s URL to:

  • Email footers
  • Website footer or sidebar
  • Bios are also available on other social platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube
  • Facebook posts by team members

Many companies feature their Instagram account with live feeds, too, as Casper shows below. This helps increase their social media presence and could make it easier for a user to follow the company the opportunity to follow.


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